Erling Pedersen
Nominated by Norwegian Pen Charlotte Hetherington Nominated by Norwegian Pen Charlotte Hetherington

Erling Pedersen

Erling Pedersen (b. 1947, Romsdalen, Norway) is a Norwegian author and scriptwriter. Having worked as a mathematics and arts teacher before leaving the profession in 1980 to become a freelance writer, Pedersen has written over forty novels and short stories for children, young people and adults.

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Marianne Solberg
Nominated by Norwegian Pen Charlotte Hetherington Nominated by Norwegian Pen Charlotte Hetherington

Marianne Solberg

Marianne Solberg (b.1968) is a non-fiction writer, freelance journalist and independent researcher. She currently writes for Ny Tid / Modern Times Review (a quarterly Norwegian International non-fiction book review) and is working on two books about the Norwegian philosopher and writer Ludvig Holberg (1683-1754) and his treatment of natural law.

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Ingrid Wildi Merino
Nominated by Office for Contemporary Art Norway Charlotte Hetherington Nominated by Office for Contemporary Art Norway Charlotte Hetherington

Ingrid Wildi Merino

Ingrid Wildi Merino (b. Santiago de Chile 1963) lives and works in Santiago de Chile. Having migrated to Switzerland in 1981 she studied at the University of Fine Arts in Zurich (Hochschule für Gestaltung und Kunst in Zurich) and received her postgraduate in Visual Arts at the University of Geneva, (Haute Ecole d’Art et Design Genève).

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Vibeke Koehler
Nominated by Norwegian Pen Charlotte Hetherington Nominated by Norwegian Pen Charlotte Hetherington

Vibeke Koehler

Vibeke Koehler (b.1980) had her first work of fiction published in April 2021. Her rich debut novel Tankespinneren (The Mindspinner) is set mostly in Norway, and was chosen to be promoted for publishing abroad by NORLA even before it was released.

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Beate Heide
Nominated by Norwegian Pen Charlotte Hetherington Nominated by Norwegian Pen Charlotte Hetherington

Beate Heide

Beate Heide (b.1959) is a Norwegian writer and storyteller working in fiction and non- fiction. Having been on residencies in both Iceland and Greenland, Beate finds inspiration from the places she visits, the nature she encounters and from local stories.

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Elida Høeg
Nominated by Norwegian Pen Charlotte Hetherington Nominated by Norwegian Pen Charlotte Hetherington

Elida Høeg

Elida Høeg (b. 1990) lives and works between Oslo and Barcelona. Journalist and researcher, she investigates transnational political issues such as the climate crisis, technology and territorial conflicts through text and sound.

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Andreas Siqueland
Nominated by The Queen Sonja Print Award Charlotte Hetherington Nominated by The Queen Sonja Print Award Charlotte Hetherington

Andreas Siqueland

Humanity's relation to the landscape and nature are central elements in the works of Andreas Siqueland. It is a free and open, but rhythmic, dialog he conducts with his surroundings; the forest, the mountains, the ocean. A direct presence - as close as you can get - seems fundamental. He is inside the motive, observing and looking for the essence.

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Ramona Salo Myrseth and Katarina Skår Lisa
Nominated by Office for Contemporary Art Norway Charlotte Hetherington Nominated by Office for Contemporary Art Norway Charlotte Hetherington

Ramona Salo Myrseth and Katarina Skår Lisa

Ramona Salo Myrseth and Katarina Skår Lisa are two independent artists that work as a collaborative duo. Together they explore a common yet personal enquiry in contemporary arts through their Sea Sámi heritage. Themes they are occupied with are the ecology of creations, relations, culture, and care. Their aim is to investigate ways of learning and practise with a Sea Sámi cosmology and their landscapes.

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Petter Buhagen

Petter Buhagen

Petter Buhagen is an interdisciplinary artist who, through his practice, is concerned with human-made systems and translations of information between digital and analogue formats. By emphasizing specific aspects in our relationship to technology, his works invites reflections on topics such as intimacy and publicity, temporarity and archiving, tactility and immateriality, nature and machine.

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Sanaa Aoun
Nominated by Norwegian Pen Charlotte Hetherington Nominated by Norwegian Pen Charlotte Hetherington

Sanaa Aoun

Sanaa Aoun is an author and teacher from Damascus, Syria and came to Tromsø, Norway as a free city author in 2016. Aoun has published two collections of short stories in Arabic, Red Lifelines (2007) and To Where the Compass Points (2018), and continues to be a regular contributor to Arabic online newspapers.

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Line Prip
Nominated by The Queen Sonja Print Award Charlotte Hetherington Nominated by The Queen Sonja Print Award Charlotte Hetherington

Line Prip

At the core of Line Prip’s artistic practice is her interest in how we are affected by other people and by the context in which we are situated. Human relations are permeated with what we cannot see, and in her spatial works she is materialising the invisible mechanisms that underlie our human existence by translating them into a physical, sensual experience.

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Maja Lunde
Nominated by Norwegian Pen Charlotte Hetherington Nominated by Norwegian Pen Charlotte Hetherington

Maja Lunde

Maja Lunde (b. 1975) is the most successful Norwegian author of her generation and one of the country’s most prominent advocates for the climate cause. Her books are published in more than 40 languages and have sold more than 2,5 million copies worldwide.

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Ole Robert Sunde
Nominated by Norwegian PEN Tom Warner Nominated by Norwegian PEN Tom Warner

Ole Robert Sunde

Born in 1952, he made his debut in 1982 with the poetry collection Hakk i hæl. Since his second book, Fra dette punktet trekker jeg en omkrets (1982), he has used a variety of genres – poetry, essays, prose and novels – to develop a remarkable, heterogeneous body of work.

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Rune Ottosen
Nominated by Norwegian PEN Tom Warner Nominated by Norwegian PEN Tom Warner

Rune Ottosen

Rune Ottosen (1950) is Professor emeritus in journalism at OsloMet - Oslo Metropolitan University.

He has written extensively on press history and media coverage of war and conflicts. He is the co-editor (with Tormod Heier and Terje Tvedt) of the book Libya. Krigens uutholdelig letthet. He is co-author with Stig Arne Nohrstedt of several books, the latest New War, New Medis and New War Journalism (2014).

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