Dette arrangementet vil utforske de skiftende maktdynamikkene i Arktis, med fokus på USAs interesse for Grønland, Kinas økende ambisjoner i regionen og Russlands militære handlinger. Er vi på vei inn i en ny æra av stormaktskonfrontasjon, og hvordan passer Svalbard inn i dette?
*Workshop fully booked - waiting list only*
Join artist-in-residence Cléa Darnaud for an evening of storytelling through drawing! This hands-on workshop introduces simple drawing techniques to help you create a short visual narrative, which can then be turned into a zine.
Are you interested in meeting Longyearbyen’s creative community? Join us on the first Friday of every month for Artica Svalbard’s Coffee Club!
* Workshop fully booked - waiting list only *
Join artists Kirsty Banks and Marieke ten Berge for a hands-on printmaking workshop at Artica Svalbard. This session introduces two exciting techniques—dry needle etching on tetra packs and mono-printing with various materials. These accessible and versatile methods allow for playful experimentation, and the results will certainly surprise you!
Verden er i dramatisk endring. Russisk aggresjon, hybride trusler og angrep endrer spillereglene for internasjonale konflikter. Samtidig kan det virke som om gamle allianser svekkes.
Med hvert sitt foredrag basert på sine nyeste bøker belyser Bård Wormdal og Trine Hamran noen av utfordringene vi står ovenfor. Arrangementet avsluttes med en samtale ledet av Svalbardposten og Line Nagell Ylvisåker.
As we celebrate the return of the sun during Solfestuka, we also welcome back Svalbard’s birds! Join us for a creative workshop inspired by the snow bunting—one of the Arctic’s most resilient travellers.
Are you interested in meeting Longyearbyen’s creative community? Join us on the first Friday of every month for Artica Svalbard’s Coffee Club!
Its the final Art Club of the season. Bring along your own arts and crafts projects to work on in our open studio, share skills, be inspired by others or have a go at one of the provided activities, such as watercolour, drawing or collage.
Denne kvelden vil Siri Helle fortelle og lese fra hennes opplevelse av å skape seg et hjem, og hva som var viktig for ho: å aktivt kunne forme og påvirke natur og samfunn rundt seg. Gjennom høsting, dyrking, bygging – og politikk. Men vi vil også invitere til dialog og diskusjon: Hva skal til for å kjenne seg hjemme her – i Longeyarbyen, på Svalbard, i dag og i morgen?
Unwind after your workday and join us for a cozy and inspiring Friday afternoon that blends live music, thought-provoking ideas, and a delicious bowl of soup to warm your soul. Festival’s artist and composer Missy Mazzoli (USA) will guide us through a selection of her written works, which are performed live by some of the festival artists, and finest performers from Voksenåsen Academy.
Join us for this Art Club Christmas special at Artica, where you can make to/from cards for your presents, Christmas decorations or something completely different.
Stormen kunst/dájdda, Nordnorsk Kunstmuseum and Artica Svalbard are pleased to present ØYFJELLET: From the Frontline of Land Rights in Sápmi, a new exhibition by the research agency INTERPRT and the project group CLIMATE RIGHTS. Featuring maps, video, legal evidence, and an interactive 3D model, the exhibition traces the South Sámi reindeer herding community’s ongoing fight against Øyfjellet Wind, both in court and in the broader context of land rights struggles.
As part of the ØYFJELLET: From the Frontline of Land Rights in Sápmi exhibition, there will also be a public working session titled Counter Aesthetic Strategies for Climate Justice.
This working session is about sharing perspectives and approaches to the ethical, political and aesthetic challenges of climate justice. Bringing together artists and researchers from inside and outside academia, we will discuss ethical and aesthetic aspects of the ongoing climate crisis and green transition policies through the lens of climate justice. The working session is a collaboration between the research projects Climate Rights, INTERPRT, IA LAB and PACESETTERS.
Join us for the next Art Club - an arts and social club for adults. Bring along your own arts and crafts projects to work on in our open studio, share skills, be inspired by others or have a go at one of the provided activities, such as watercolour, drawing or collage.
It’s the last Coffee Club of 2024! We look forward to welcoming you all for this final festive get-together.
For centuries, Arctic communities have not only seen the Northern Lights but also heard them. Is there a sonic aspect to this phenomenon that goes beyond what science has thought was possible? Artica resident Sébastien Robert, in partnership with radio astronomer Rob Stammes, invites the Longyearbyen community to share any experiences of hearing the rare sound of the Northern Lights.
* Fully Booked *
We hope you can join us for a linocut workshop, where you can create your own artwork with help from artist Olaf Storø. This workshop is for youth and children who can bring their favourite adult.
Join us for the next Art Club - an arts and social club for adults. Bring along your own arts and crafts projects to work on in our open studio, share skills, be inspired by others or have a go at one of the provided activities, such as watercolour, drawing or collage.
*Fully Booked - waiting list only*
Join Artica Svalbard for this Introduction to Marbling workshop where you can learn how to make beautiful papers using this centuries-old marbling technique. Marbling is one of the most rewarding and fun crafts out there and you don’t need any prior experience to create amazing pieces of art.
We hope you can join us for the next Art Club - an arts and social club for adults. Bring along your own arts and crafts projects to work on in our open studio, share skills, be inspired by others or have a go at one of the provided activities, such as watercolour, drawing or collage.
Join us for our monthly meet-up with your fellow Longyearbyen peers working in art, literature, photography and design. Share your projects and of course coffee!
This dark season we are opening the studio for Art Club - an arts and social club for adults. Bring along your own arts and crafts projects to work on in our open studio, share skills, be inspired by others or have a go at one of the provided activities, such as watercolour, drawing or collage.
How do dust, static, and invisible atmospheric transmissions shape our understanding of environmental toxicity? In this artist talk, Nastassja Simensky will explore these questions through her ongoing research at Artica Svalbard.
Join us for our monthly meet-up with your fellow Longyearbyen peers working in art, literature, photography and design. Share your projects for 2024 and of course coffee!
Join us for an engaging evening with our current artists in residence, Ellen Heck and Inma Herrera. This is an opportunity to hear directly from the artists about their unique practices and the exciting projects they’ve been developing during their time in Svalbard.
During the summer of 2023, Artica assisted Oslo/Barcelona based artist Dora García with a film project on Svalbard. We are pleased to welcome Dora back to Longyearbyen with representatives from the CNIO art program to present the project and screen the finished film.
Join us for our monthly meet-up with your fellow Longyearbyen peers working in art, literature, photography and design.
As part of the Longyearbyen Literature festival, writer in resident Endre Harvold Kvangraven will present a lunchtime lecture at the library.
We hope you can join us for First Friday Coffee Club, where you can meet our current residents and Longyearbyen’s creative community.
Join artist-in-residence Kamil Kak for an introduction to Photo Zines Workshop. During the workshop Kamil will guide you through the zine-making process, from layout design to binding techniques. You will transform your photos into unique, self-published zines using a selection of paper, laser printers, and sewing machines.
Summertime in Longyearbyen brings lots of visitors to our city and hopefully some sunshine. Artica will be open for coffee club as usual so do join us and meet some new and old friends.
We hope you can join us at Svalbard Museum for an evening lecture by writer in residence Roald Berg. Please note the lecture is hosted in Norwegian.
It’s Sustainability Week in Longyearbyen, so during this month’s coffee club you’ll have the opportunity to see some of the work we’ve been doing as part of our environmental action plan.
The Nordic Alliance of Artists’ Residencies on Climate Action (NAARCA) is proud to present an online exhibition featuring the works of Rikke Luther and Nikhil Vettukattil. This exhibition introduces the artists and their projects through a rich blend of images, film, and a digital cookbook.
The course is now fully booked. Let us know if you wish to be on a waiting list.
In this course you will learn how to make your own linocut print. The first day we will be making a single-coloured print, experimenting with different tools for mark making and different methods for printing. On the second day we will be showing you different ways of printing a multi-coloured print, using layering, reduction and puzzle techniques.
Join us for our monthly meet-up with your fellow Longyearbyen peers working in art, literature, photography and design. Share your projects for 2024 and of course coffee!
If you are interested in learning what Artica’s current residents are up to, come along to our artists talk and soup event. Teas, coffees and a vegetarian soup will be served.
Are you interested in meeting Longyearbyen’s creative community? Then join Artica the first Friday of the month to meet and share your hobbies, projects and ideas with like-minded people working in art, literature, photography, music, science or design.
* Now fully booked * Email us if you wish to be on our waiting list.
Inspired by the end of polar night and the ethereal glow of moonlit nights, this workshop invites participants to immerse themselves in a ritualistic culinary experience. Led by our host pastry chef, Ethan Kan, this hands-on session will help participants to learn to craft a variation of a snow skin mooncake.
Lørdag 2. mars maler vi våre egne solmedaljonger for å feire at sollyset er tilbake i Longyearbyen. I dette maleverkstedet for barn får du muligheten til å male din egen vakre solmedaljong laget av saltdeig, som du kan bære med stolthet når vi feirer at sola er tilbake 8. mars.
Forfatter, fotograf, journalist og Artica-beboer Trine Hamran forteller om bøkene hun har skrevet og hvorfor hun måtte begynne å lage bøker. Forfatterskapet er knyttet til selve livet, og begynte da mannen hennes fikk en kreftdiagnose i 2013.
Come along to our monthly meet-up with your fellow Longyearbyen peers working in art, literature, photography and design. Meet new people, enjoy festive coffee and treats in a relaxed environment.
Mikael Bjerkestrand fra Svalbard Museum, som ledet den arkeologiske utgravningen på Rekvika, forteller om arbeidet med demontering av fangsthytta i felt og arbeidet med å sette den opp i museets nye utstilling.
For November’s lecture we look to the dark skies to learn about Svalbard’s Aurora Chasers and why Svalbard is such a special place to watch the northern lights.
Join us for our monthly meet-up with your fellow Longyearbyen peers working in art, literature, photography and design. Share your projects for 2023 and of course coffee!
Spooked by the idea of recycling…? Then fear no more, just come along to this fun and informative (maybe a little scary) lecture, Trash Talk! How to recycle on Svalbard and What you’re doing wrong hosted by Haakon Braathu, head of waste management for Lokalstyre.
* Now fully booked *
Join Artica Svalbard and master printmakers Ellen Edmonson and Cathrine Knudsen for this adults monotype workshop. Monotype is a graphic technique that produces a unique print. This is a creative, fun process where we can use stencils, brushes, draw, drip, roll etc. to get various exciting expressions.
Our next lecture will focus on Farmhamna, one of the last private trapper stations left in Svalbard and Karoline Baelum and her family have owned it for the past 7 years.
Come along to our monthly meet-up with your fellow Longyearbyen peers working in art, literature, photography and design. We look forward to meeting you and hearing about your projects.
The first in this series of six lectures will be hosted by current artist in residence, Ruth Maclennan an artist and researcher based in London and northern Scotland.
Join us for our monthly meet-up with your fellow Longyearbyen peers working in art, literature, photography and design. Share your projects for 2023 and of course coffee!
Come along to this free workshop on Saturday 26 August and learn how to make your own beautiful paper from old recycled paper.
Are you interested in meeting Longyearbyen’s creative community? Then join Artica the first Friday of the month to meet and share your hobbies, projects and ideas with like-minded people who enjoy art, photography, literature and design.
Are you interested in meeting Longyearbyen’s creative community? Then join Artica the first Friday of the month to meet and share your hobbies, projects and ideas with like-minded people who enjoy art, photography, literature and design.
Artica and QSPA are pleased to invite you to a finissage and Artists Talk with Ellen Karin Mæhlum at the exhibition ARTICA in residence at QSPA in Oslo.
Join us for our monthly meet-up with your fellow Longyearbyen peers working in art, literature, photography and design. Share your new projects for 2023 and of course coffee!
* Now fully booked *
To celebrate Earth Day, join us for a free mono-printing workshop. Taking inspiration from our planet, the stunning nature and wildlife you are free to create simple prints and experiment with different techniques. This workshop is for adults only.
Åse Kristine Tveit, Artica-resident, forteller om hva hun har funnet ved å studere fortellinger om barns liv på Svalbard. Hva kjennetegner bøkene som forteller om barns liv på Svalbard? Mange av disse bøkene, utgitt i løpet av siste 100 år, er fulle av dramatiske hendelser, men også av hverdagslivets små hendelser og konflikter.
This exhibition brings together works by just some of the past artists, writers and researchers with focus towards the QSPA residents, who have stayed at Artica in Longyearbyen over the last seven years.
* Now Fully Booked *
In this children’s paper craft workshop you’ll have the opportunity to design and make your own colourful placard to hold up to the sky and welcome back the sun.
Artica is open for Coffee Club the first Friday of the month. Come along to this free event and share your hobbies, projects and ideas with like-minded people who enjoy art, photography, literature and design.
We are back! Artica will be open for Coffee Club the first Friday of the month. Why not join us and share your hobbies, projects and ideas with like-minded people who enjoy art, photography, literature and design.
We are very pleased to invite the community to the premiere of The Visitors (2022). One day before the official release in Norway, the community of Longyearbyen is welcome to watch and discuss the documentary together with the director Veronika Lišková and the main protagonist Zdenka Sokolíčková.
* Now fully booked *
Would you like to make your own printed Christmas cards to send to friends and family? Then join Artica on Saturday 10 December for this lino workshop.
Join Artica for the last Coffee Club of the year. There will be gløgg, coffee and festive treats plus the usual opportunity to meet your fellow Longyearbyen peers working in art, literature, photography and design.
Join us for our monthly meet-up with your fellow Longyearbyen peers working in art, literature, photography and design. Share your work in progress, research, writing and of course coffee!
Gjennom lekne grafiske verksteder med lokalsamfunnet og elever fra 3. og 4. klasse ved Longyearbyen skole, har vi dyrket en hage med trykte planter som vi noen ganger lengter etter å se. På verkstedene spurte vi oss selv, hvordan forholder vi oss kollektivt til naturen rundt oss og hvordan tar vi vare på den?
Bli med på gratis grafikkverksted på Artica Svalbard søndag 9. oktober, hvor vi kaster et lekent blikk på fremtiden til Svalbardnaturen.
Looking to meet people working in art, literature, photography and design? Then come along to our monthly meet-up, share your projects, ideas and of course coffee!
This public symposium invites leading experts from the Nordics in architecture, ecology, archaeology, history and the arts to discuss the Svea project and related issues.
We are very pleased to welcome Maja Lunde back to Longyearbyen for the launch of her new book, the last in her climate quartet series.
Join us for our monthly meet-up with your fellow Longyearbyen peers working in art, literature, photography and design. Share your projects, ideas and of course coffee!
For this month’s Coffee Club Artica’s current resident Inma Herrera will give an informal introduction to a project she has been working on during her stay in Longyearbyen. We hope you can join us for this and thee usual coffee, cake and conversation.
Join Artica Svalbard resident artist Inma Herrera for a workshop exploring different printing techniques. This course is an invitation to get hands-on to understand the flexibility and openness of printmaking as a medium of expression.
Looking to meet people working in art, literature, photography and design? Then come along to our monthly meet-up, share your projects, ideas and of course coffee!
Summer is here and we are looking forward to welcoming local creatives to this month’s First Friday Coffee Club.
Join us on Wednesday 20th April at 19:00 for a film screening by current resident Susan Schuppli. Shot during the circumnavigation of Spitsbergen in August 2020 as part of inquiry into sea ice and the geopolitics of the Circumpolar North.
Looking to meet people working in art, literature, photography and design? Then come along to our monthly meet-up, share your projects, ideas and of course coffee!
As the sun returns to Longyearbyen we’ll be celebrating at Artica by making Sun-Catchers!
Join us for our monthly meet-up with your fellow Longyearbyen peers working in art, literature, photography and design. Share your projects, ideas and of course coffee!
Join us for a fun vision workshop where you can share your ideas, dreams, experiences and stories about the future of Longyearbyen during an open conversation.
NB – this event has been changed. Replacement is author Sigri Sandberg, who will talk about her book “Darkness”.
Artica Svalbard are pleased to present A Year Without Trees, a new audio walk created by a group of 12 students from the Svalbard Folkehøgskole and artist Floortje Zonneveld.
First Friday Coffee Club is back!
Join us for our monthly meet-up with your fellow Longyearbyen peers working in art, literature, photography and design. Share your new projects for 2022, ideas and of course coffee!
We are delighted to invite you to a photography exhibition Teenagers without land which is a collaborative project by social anthropologist, Zdenka Sokolíčková and photographer Dagmara Wojtanowicz.
It’s the final Coffee Club of the year!
We are looking forward to welcoming local creatives for an informal coffee and chat about your projects and upcoming activities in 2022.
For those who missed the event at the beach this week, there’s one last opportunity to see Jessica MacMillan’s Time Line. We will be outside the old aurora research station in Adventdalen on Sunday 5 December from 16:00
Hosted by the Arctic Chamber Music Festival
Journalist and author Sigri Sandberg will base her talk around the book Polarheltinner. The talk will be in Norwegian.
Join us on Wednesday 17 November, 18:00 for an introduction by resident artist Jessica MacMillan about her project Time Line.
We are very pleased to welcome back former resident Benedicte Meyer Kroneberg for the launch of her new book, The Svalbard Notes.
If you haven’t been to Coffee Club yet then come along!
We look forward to welcoming local creatives for an informal coffee and chat about your projects and upcoming activities.
Join Artica and Longyearbyen Folkebibliotek as we host journalist and researcher Elida Høeg.
Friday October 1. means First Friday Coffee Club!
We are looking forward to welcoming local creatives for an informal coffee and chat about your projects and upcoming activities.
A major solo presentation of new work by Ignas Krunglevičius in Longyearbyen, Svalbard.
One night - Three events
Join us for a unique evening, presenting new work by some of the most exciting international artists visiting Longyearbyen
*Now Fully Booked*
Join Artica’s current residents, Ramona Salo Myrseth and Katarina Skår Lisa for a creative Lino print workshop.
The workshop will be hosted in Norwegian and English
Come and say hello to your fellow creatives at this month’s coffee club.
Join us at 13:00 on Saturday 26th June as we dive deep into the world of micro-plankton.
This workshop will be hosted in Norwegian.
Coffee Club is a chance to meet your fellow Longyearbyen peers working in art, literature and design. Share your projects, ideas and of course coffee!
Join us for an evening walk and talk hosted by local resident Anne Lise Klungseth Sandvik.
Artica and Longyearbyen Library are pleased to host an in conversation with author Maja Lunde and Longyearbyen based writer and journalist Line Nagell Ylvisåker, on Wednesday 7 April via Facebook Live.
To celebrate the welcome return of lighter days, Artica is hosting a sun paper & collage workshop for children age 6 upwards. Join us in the workshop to create your own sun themed pictures, explore different ways of using light and colour making your own ray of sunshine!
Calling all Longyearbyen creatives!
Are you an artist looking to meet your peers, a designer in need of advice, a writer looking to share your latest novella.. or maybe you would just like a coffee and a chat!
Ole Robert Sunde besøkte Svalbard for første gang i 2018 hvor han hadde et to måneders langt opphold som artist in residence på Artica Svalbard.
Join us on Thursday 26 November at 19:00 for an evening talk by our current artist in residence, nominated by our Key Partner Office for Contemporary Art: Norway, Ignas Krunglevičius. Ignas has been working at Artica for a month-long residency, in this final week we open the doors for an informal evening to hear more about his practice.
A workshop hosted by artist in residence Daniel Persson.
Cold needle is an etching technique in which the motif is carved into a plate using a pointed steel needle. The plate is most often made of zinc, copper or Plexiglas. The plate is coloured in with ink and printed on paper with an gravure printing press.
Norges selvbilde bygger i stor grad på at myndighetene anser seg selv som en «humanitær stormakt» og fredsmegler. Dette var sentralt i markedsføringen da Norge i sommer vant konkurransen om en plass i FNs sikkerhetsråd. Rune Ottosen stiller i dette foredraget spørsmålstegn ved om dette gir et riktig bilde.
Inntil nylig er det bare to stater som har vært sterke nok til å ha et betydelig nærvær i begge polområder: USA og Russland. I det siste har de fått selskap av ett land til: Kina.
Inntil nylig er det bare to stater som har vært sterke nok til å ha et betydelig nærvær i begge polområder: USA og Russland. I det siste har de fått selskap av ett land til: Kina.
De første europeiske ferdene mot Arktis på slutten av 1500-tallet og ut på 1600-tallet hadde som mål å finne en nordlig – og helst kortere - sjøvei til Kina. Wilhelm Barents, med livet som innsats, kom langt nok til å kunne konstatere at det ville bli mer enn vanskelig. Henry Hudson prøvde seg i både nordøstlig og nordvestlig retning, med samme resultat.
Welcome to an evening of literary discussion with Norwegian PEN-nominated author Alena Kazlova.
Alena Kazlova (Anka Upala) is a Belarusian writer and translator of literature from English, Finnish and Swedish.
She is a member of the Belarusian PEN Centre and a member of the Union of Belarusian Writers where she also coordinated the work of the writing school.
As the dark season settles in, we are continuing our series of creative writing workshops. Join us at Artica Svalbard for a creative writing workshop led by Longyearbyen-based writer Kelsey Camacho.
Welcome to a playful stop-motion workshop, led by artist Floortje Zonneveld.
Come join us and see how we can move the trash away from the beaches and oceans, and turn it into colourful videos that will light up the polar night.
I 2020 er det 100 år siden Svalbardtraktaten ble undertegnet. Vil den være aktuell og relevant i 100 år til? ARTICA starter feiringen med rette og skrå blikk på hva som kjennetegner traktaten, dens historie og dagens utfordringer.
Traktaten ble til under fredsforhandlinger etter første verdenskrig. Kan den overleve i dagens internasjonale politiske situasjon? Og hva gjør traktaten med Svalbardsamfunnet?
Welcome to a playful and creative workshop where you can join our resident artist Emma Stibbon for an Arctic drawing session.
Starting in the Artica studio, Emma will introduce her methods of working with Indian Ink, in preparation for our outdoor drawing session down by the beach.
We would like to welcome everyone for an artist talk and soup evening at Artica's workshop with our current printmaking artist in residence Giancarlo Scaglia Wednesday, August 21st at 7pm!
The artist will predominantly talk about his site-specific printmaking projects during his stay at Artica in Longyearbyen and Pyramiden, as well as introducing earlier projects from his hometown Lima in Peru and internationally.
Tuesday 25th of June at 19.00 Artica Svalbard is hosting an artist talk with Artist in Residence Sille Storihle.
At the artist talk Sille Storihle will speak about processes central to her practice as an artist, focusing on her stay at Artica Svalbard. Being an artist in residence in Longyearbyen evokes a wide range of paradoxical questions concerning (art) tourism, climate change, geopolitics and the role of the artist. Storihle will share some reflections concerning these topics and hopes the artist talk will branch into a conversation amongst the people attending the talk.
We are continuing our series of creative writing workshops! Join us Monday 10th of June (14-16hr) at Artica Svalbard for a creative writing workshop led by Longyearbyen-based writer Kelsey Camacho.
We are continuing our series of creative writing workshops! Join us Monday 10th of June (14-16hr) at Artica Svalbard for a creative writing workshop led by Longyearbyen-based writer Kelsey Camacho.
Ole Robert Sunde debuterte med diktsamlingen "Hakk i hæl" i 1982. Siden har han skrevet en rekke bøker i ulike sjangre, men er nok mest kjent for sine romaner.
I 2017 fikk han P2 lytternes romanpris for "Penelope er syk".
Han er på Svalbard på et to måneders skriveopphold og tar denne kvelden turen til biblioteket for å samtale om sitt forfatterskap.
Arrangementet er et samarbeid mellom Artica Svalbard og Longyearbyen folkebibliotek.
Grafiker Ellen Karin Mæhlum forteller om sine pågående arbeider og demonstrerer trykkeprosessen.
Mæhlum er Artist in residence hos Artica Svalbard nominert av Queen Sonja Print Award.
Vi server vafler og te.
Do we need a more open debate about the challenges and dilemmas created by Norwegian security policy?
Artica Svalbard´s Key Partner Norwegian PEN believes strongly in transparency and a culture of free speech. One of the concerns that provides the backdrop to this event is that Norwegian politicians are reluctant to discuss changes to security policy openly and honestly. Do so-called rotational deployments of troops on Norwegian soil in practice represent a change to Norwegian policy on foreign military bases? How strongly involved is the Norwegian Intelligence Service in the United States’ geopolitical strategy?
What happens when your nation is swallowed by the sea?
Kiribati, a low-lying Pacific atoll nation, is destined to disappear within decades – due to rising sea levels, population growth, and climate change.
Interweaving two personal stories of survival and resilience, Anote´s Ark explores what it takes to migrate an entire nation with dignity.
The Director of the film, Matthieu Rytz, will be visiting Longyearbyen for the screening to introduce his film, followed by a Q & A session.
In September Floortje Zonneveld and Josephine Beijer will host a workshop, where they will, together with the participants, create objects from unrepairable tents. We invite you to come, join and experience the results of this workshop! The artists and participants will create a joyful TENTacles parade outside, in the Svalbard landscape and wind.
Arctic Action & NIAN Svalbard are happy to work together with Artica Svalbard on the opening of this event, taking place from 11th-17th of September 2018.
All the artists will give a short introduction to their practice and there will be a performance at the opening.
Vegetarian soup, salad and bread will be served. Free admission
Teresa Grøtan is coming to the Longyearbyen Literature Festival to launch her brand new book Før øya synker, which is partly set on Svalbard. Grøtan has travelled to Kiribati in the Pacific Ocean, to Bangladesh, to the U.S. and to Svalbard to meet young people and find out what they make of climate change. She has also interviewed some of the world’s leading experts on climate-related issues.
For the literature festival, Larry Siems will present his new book, Guantanamo Diary, the first and only diary written by a Guantanamo detainee during his imprisonment. This presentation will be done in conversation with the well known Norwegian writer and publisher, Anders Heger. Mohamedou Ould Slahi who was detained at Guantanamo from 2002 until 2016 will also participate in the conversation through skype. Larry Siems has been invited to Longyearbyen Litteraturfestival in cooperation with Norwegian PEN and Artica Svalbard.
Artica Svalbard’s artists in residence invite you to join them on a Situare Walk and a presentation of Ars Situare and the Humus Line Project. This art project is due to reach its conclusion on Svalbard in 2019.
Together with the Norwegian Museum of Science and Technology and Longyearbyen Library we are rolling out Longyearbyen Kode/Coding. This initiative aims to strengthen our understanding of the world in which we live today and of the opportunities that technology provides to Longyearbyen.
Artica Hackerspace launches on 25th February and continues once a month for young people and adults, and will focus on the possibilities for a technology-based future in Longyearbyen and on finding solutions to protect this fragile environment, led by the Longyearbyen-based coder and avid critic of the gaming world Krister Bernsten.
We are delighted to launch the book ‘Don’t Run, My Love’ (2017) by Artica Svalbard Author in Residence Easterine Kire.
Soup will be served - by Polar Permaculture.
Meet poet and author Easterine Kire and editor of Svalbardposten Hilde Kristin Røsvik in conversation led by Hege Newth, Secretary General of Norsk PEN, followed by a performance by Jazzpoesi, with poet Easterine Kire and saxophonist Ola Rokkonoes.
Artica Hackerspace launches on 25th February and continues once a month for young people and adults, and will focus on the possibilities for a technology-based future in Longyearbyen and on finding solutions to protect this fragile environment, led by the Longyearbyen-based coder and avid critic of the gaming world Krister Bernsten.
Nuri Sakong is part of the Artica Svalbard Internship Programme 2018 and will present work in progress at Artica Svalbard.
On the 25th February between 15-18 Nuri presents work in progress 'Does God know?' - sound installations and drawings conveying the challenges newcomers to Norway are faced with.
Kunsthall Svalbard og Artica Svalbard inviterer til lek og kreativ utforskning av materialer som perler, bivoks og dyrehud. Ulike materialer kan både skjule og avsløre det som ligger under. Kanskje legger du igjen noe du bærer på?
Svalbard Museum, Artica Svalbard og Aktiv i friluft formidler utfordringene med marin forsøpling i Arktis gjennom idéverksted, kunstprosjekt og museumsutstilling.
On 20th February, the artist Franziska Lantz will explore the spiritual energy of waste collected from the beaches of Svalbard, constructing new stories from the waste that reached Svalbard. Franziska Lantz is an artist/musician who merges music and objects in her installations, using dynamic performances in her perpetual quest to unearth hidden landscapes and lost remains from a post-apocalyptic future past.
In conjunction with the Arctic Chamber Music Festival and in collaboration with Artica and Arctic Action, the Italian artist Maria Adele Del Vecchio will on 18th February present a storytelling about the French artist and musician Henri Chopin.
On 17th February Arctic Chamber Music Festival and Artica will host an afternoon at Artica’s workshop to explore the works of the composer Carl Nielsen along with a warming bowl of soup. Music is personal, and emotions can be channelled through instruments.
Workshop for barn og unge ledet av kunstner Floortje Zonneveld i samarbeid med Artica Svalbard og Aktiv i friluft Longyearbyen
Dette blir en spennende workshop; du vil lœre stop-motion teknikk og bruke søppel samlet fra Prosjekt Isfjorden på en helt ny måte. Vi skal lage en film sammen. Filmen presenteres i Longyearbyen i februar. Bli med!
Workshop for barn og unge ledet av kunstner Floortje Zonneveld i samarbeid med Artica Svalbard og Aktiv i friluft Longyearbyen
Dette blir en spennende workshop; du vil lœre stop-motion teknikk og bruke søppel samlet fra Prosjekt Isfjorden på en helt ny måte. Vi skal lage en film sammen. Filmen presenteres i Longyearbyen i februar. Bli med!
Suppe og samtale. Vi møtes over en god gryte suppe. Åpent for alle. Meld om du kommer på denne siden.
ซุปและแชท: เรียนทุกท่านมาร่วมสนุกกัน เรามีซุปรสเยี่ยมสำหรับทุกคน! กรุณาแจ้งให้เราทราบ เพื่อการดำเนินการอย่างราบรื่น.
Soup and chat. Come and join us for a good soup! Open to all. Please let us know here, if you can make it.
Artica Svalbard does drawing — drawing club | Anette Gellein
Where: Artica Svalbard
What: Drawing club with Anette Gellein
No previous drawing experience required.
Visual artist Håvard Homstvedt and author, journalist and writer Teresa Grøtan are both in residence at Artica Svalbard - with artist Anette Gellein.
During their stay they are working on individual projects, holding reading clubs for children and organising open workshops to introduce how they explore ideas, meaning, social and political relevance within their work.
As part of Arctic Action III festival, Artica Svalbard and Arctic Action have invited cultural anthropologist Arthur Mason to hold a breakfast lecture and dialogue.
Arthur Mason holds academic appointments as Associate Professor at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology in the Department of Social Anthropology and as Adjunct Associate Professor at Rice University in the Department of Anthropology.
During the upcoming Arctic Action III festival, Longyearbyen will welcome Pekka Kainulainen (Finland), Liina Kuittinen (Finland), Kurt Johannessen (Norway) and Sophie Dupont (Denmark).
Arctic Action is proud to be collaborating with Artica Svalbard on the production of its third edition in Spitsbergen, 11– 19th September 2017.
Artica Svalbard and Galleri Svalbard are proud to present an artist talk with visual artist, Jumana Manna.
Manna is in Longyearbyen to produce the final part of her work “Untitled”, a documentary seeking to capture the contradictions and ambiguities of modern seed preservation.
Join us to celebrate the poetry magazine The Wolf’s 15th anniversary – in Longyearbyen, Svalbard.
To mark the 15th anniversary in Longyearbyen, poet Ashur Etwebi and James Byrne, editor of The Wolf, will read a selection of highlights from the 15 year-history of the poetry publication The Wolf.
Libyan poet Ashur Etwebi and British poet James Byrne read from their new works – both in Arabic and English – crossing continents and styles, reflecting a very special friendship through poetry. Ashur Etwebi and James Byrne started their collaboration during the Al-Sendian arts festival, Syria, in 2009.
On 20th June, Polar Permaculture and Artica Svalbard are relaunching Green Circle in a joint effort to inspire a local foodie revolution in Longyearbyen, which will involve using information and action to transform local waste products into a useful resource.
This evening’s Artist Talk is shared by Tiina Kivinen and Michael Günzburger and offers two perspectives on the process of making new work. Kivinen at the beginning of new work and Günzburger at the end of his project. Both artists working at times in the medium of printmaking, while employing varied research methods and unique approaches to art making.
April-Fools’ Print Workshop marks the end of Artica Svalbard’s opening programme. But it also marks an ambition to open the workshop to all, creating a common space for working, thinking and conversation.
On April Fools’ day we will be making “fooled” and magic prints with artists in Artica’s Workshop. Come and make your own magic print!
Film screening, “Hunters since the beginning of time” by Artica artist in residence Carlos Casas.
Along the coast of the Bering Sea, we meet a community of whale hunters who are struggling to survive by keeping alive a tradition that is thousands of years old and surviving one of the most extreme environments on the planet.
Artica’s book collection will be merged with Longyearbyen Library and we celebrate this collaborative effort. Words by Knut Olav Åmås, Director of Fritt Ord and Longyearbyen librarian Elin Anita Olsrud.
Longyearbyen Breakfast Dialogues initiates the first of Artica’s many Public Programmes.
The main objective is to engage with Longyearbyen’s local community as well as national and international guests. Together we will ask questions relevant to Longyearbyen, led by Head of Norwegian PEN, William Nygaard, artist A K Dolven, students from University of Svalbard and Founder of Polar Permaculture, Benjamin Vidmar.
The official opening of Artica Svalbard and its Artist-in-Residence Programme will be officiated by HM Queen Sonja of Norway together with the Minister of Culture Linda Hofstad Helleland and Longyearbyen Community Council Leader Arild Olsen, in Longyearbyen kulturhus. This will be followed by statements from the founders of Artica Svalbard and its collaborating partners as well as young people of Longyearbyen, represented by Malin Nilssen Alexandersen. The artists and writers selected for Artica Svalbard’s Artist-in-Residence Programme will also be announced.