Artica Svalbard offers several funded residencies in Longyearbyen throughout the year. These residencies are awarded through nominations by partner organisations, each with its own selection criteria and process. Residents receive time, space, freedom, and financial support to focus on their work. This includes private and self-catering accommodation, shared workspace, and, if required, a studio. Additionally, all residents have 24-hour access to the Artica Svalbard workshop, printing studio, communal kitchen, library, and meeting and workspaces.

A key part of Artica Svalbard’s mission is to foster a deep connection between our resident artists, writers, and the local community. We believe that creativity thrives through shared experiences and collaboration. Therefore, during their stay, we encourage our residents to host workshops, artist talks, readings, lectures, or other community events. These activities provide unique opportunities for artists, writers, and locals to exchange ideas, skills, and perspectives, enriching the cultural fabric of Svalbard. Through these engagements, we create a vibrant, inclusive environment where creativity can flourish and mutual understanding can grow.

In alignment with our climate goals, we are encouraging our residents to stay for longer, more meaningful residencies. As such, the minimum stay is set at 6 weeks, allowing for deeper immersion and greater impact. We can also accommodate families and residents with other commitments, ensuring that everyone can benefit from and contribute to our community regardless of their personal circumstances.

Although the Artica Svalbard team is always available to offer residents support and advice, residencies are self-led, and the responsibility for experiencing Svalbard lies with the residents themselves.

Below, you will find details on how each partner organisation selects its residents and, in the case of open calls, information on how you can apply.

If you do not qualify for the below funded residencies but have your own funding, you can still apply for a residency at Artica Svalbard. See our Independently Funded Residencies page for more details.


    The Office for Contemporary Art Norway (OCA) invites artists working in all mediums to apply for residencies at Artica.

    Eligibility: Artists with an interest in the polar regions and/or global perspectives, conversations, and issues emanating from the high north.

    Duration: Minimum stay of six consecutive weeks.

    Community Engagement: Residents are encouraged to contribute with an artist talk, presentation, debate, lecture, or workshop for the Longyearbyen local community during their stay.

    Next Application Deadline: May 23 for residencies in 2026.

    If you are interested in applying, please complete the application form.

    Further questions can de directed to: Itzel Esquivel at OCA. (

    Or visit the OCA website for more information.


    The Norwegian Association of Nonfiction Writers and Translators (NFFO) invites its members to apply for writing and research residencies at Artica.

    Eligibility: NFFO members.

    Focus: Projects connected to the northern regions or those particularly benefiting from being in Svalbard.

    Duration: Between four and twelve consecutive weeks in 2026.

    Community Engagement: Residents are encouraged to contribute with a presentation, debate, lecture, or workshop for the Longyearbyen local community during their stay.

    Application Requirements:

    If you are an NFFO member and would like to apply, submit your application using the application form on ‘My Membership’

    The application deadline is for residencies in 2026, to be confirmed.

    Questions can be sent to the NFFO contact person for Artica Svalbard, Anne Kristine Soltvedt: .


    Nordnorsk Kunstmuseum selects residents based on curatorial research. This process focuses on identifying artists whose work engages with themes related to the polar regions and/or global perspectives and issues.

    For more information about Nordnorsk Kunstmuseum, visit their website.


    The Queen Sonja Print Award invites artists who have previously been nominated for the annual Queen Sonja Print Award to become residents at Artica. The award celebrates the art of printmaking by honouring artists that work in print-based mediums. Residents are selected curatorially and should have an interest in themes that relate to the polar regions and/or the global perspectives, conversations, and issues facing the region.

    For more information about the Queen Sonja Print Award, visit their website.