Cathrine Alice Liberg
Nominated by The Queen Sonja Print Award Charlotte Hetherington Nominated by The Queen Sonja Print Award Charlotte Hetherington

Cathrine Alice Liberg

Cathrine Alice Liberg is a Norwegian-Singaporean artist and printmaker working in a variety of techniques, including lithography, photogravure, cyanotype, etching and mezzotint. Her art revolves mainly around the family portrait, where she contemplates the stories that were lost through her family’s migration, and how descendants can never become reliable narrators of their ancestors’ lives.

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Andreas Siqueland
Nominated by The Queen Sonja Print Award Charlotte Hetherington Nominated by The Queen Sonja Print Award Charlotte Hetherington

Andreas Siqueland

Humanity's relation to the landscape and nature are central elements in the works of Andreas Siqueland. It is a free and open, but rhythmic, dialog he conducts with his surroundings; the forest, the mountains, the ocean. A direct presence - as close as you can get - seems fundamental. He is inside the motive, observing and looking for the essence.

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Petter Buhagen

Petter Buhagen

Petter Buhagen is an interdisciplinary artist who, through his practice, is concerned with human-made systems and translations of information between digital and analogue formats. By emphasizing specific aspects in our relationship to technology, his works invites reflections on topics such as intimacy and publicity, temporarity and archiving, tactility and immateriality, nature and machine.

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Line Prip
Nominated by The Queen Sonja Print Award Charlotte Hetherington Nominated by The Queen Sonja Print Award Charlotte Hetherington

Line Prip

At the core of Line Prip’s artistic practice is her interest in how we are affected by other people and by the context in which we are situated. Human relations are permeated with what we cannot see, and in her spatial works she is materialising the invisible mechanisms that underlie our human existence by translating them into a physical, sensual experience.

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Patrik Berg

Patrik Berg

Patrik Berg (1982, Härnosand, Sweden) is an Oslo-based artist who works mainly with drawing and printmaking. Berg is true to the medium of print and interested in its status as a complex artistic practice rather than a method of reproduction. He combines the traditions of Albrecht Dürer and Henry Darger while addressing questions about ecology, ornament, composition and language.

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Karo Akpokiere

Karo Akpokiere

Karo Akpokiere is a child of the 80s born and raised in Lagos, Nigeria. He received a diploma in Graphic Design from Yaba College of Technology, Lagos, Nigeria in 2006. Akpokiere has taken part in several exhibitions locally and internationally, including his first solo exhibition 26/365: An Exhibition of Illustrated Letters at the Goethe-Institut, Lagos, Nigeria (2011) and the first Lagos Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) Public Art Exhibition, Lagos (2012).

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Tiina Kivinen

Tiina Kivinen

Tiina Kivinen is a visual artist and printmaker based in Finland. She was the first person to receive the Queen Sonja Print Award in 2012. She has held solo exhibitions in Dalslands konstmuseum, Sweden (2016), Kunstverket galleri, Oslo (2013) and Galerie Arktika, Marktoberdorf, Germany (2011) as well as several solo exhibitions in Finland. Her work has been presented at many international group shows over the last twenty years.

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