Our annual Artica Writings essay series is published in a limited edition book. Due to Svalbard's tax-free status, selling and shipping items from here can be complex, so offering our books for free helps us avoid those issues. While we declare the book as having no commercial value, some countries may still apply customs fees based on local regulations. To order a book, please email us at books@articasvalbard.no, and we’ll calculate the shipping cost based on your location.
If you're based in Svalbard, you can purchase a copy for 100 NOK at the Artica Workshop—just drop by!

Artica Writings 2023: Food on Svalbard
In 2023, Artica Svalbard embarked on a series of conversations about food sustainability on Svalbard. The challenges of accessing locally grown food in this remote Arctic archipelago are significant—local food sources are sparse and highly seasonal. Yet, food is a critical part of life on Svalbard, intersecting with hunting, foraging, and a supply chain heavily reliant on imports.

Artica Writings 2022: Return to Nature? The Transformation of a Post-Coal Mining Landscape
In 2022 Artica collaborated with LPO Arkitekter and UiT - The Arctic University of Norway, Academy of Arts, landscape architecture programme to commission four new essays by leading experts from the Nordics to discuss the Svea project and related issues.

Artica Writings 2021: The Oceans
In 2021 we looked to the ocean for inspiration, inviting writers, artists, poets and scientists to share their thoughts on our oceans in a series of short essays.