Ramona Salo Myrseth and Katarina Skår Lisa
Photo: Jens Kristian Nilsen
In residence: August - September 2021
Ramona Salo Myrseth and Katarina Skår Lisa are two independent artists that work as a collaborative duo. Together they explore a common yet personal enquiry in contemporary arts through their Sea Sámi heritage. Themes they are occupied with are the ecology of creations, relations, culture, and care. Their aim is to investigate ways of learning and practise with a Sea Sámi cosmology and their landscapes.
Their projects look specifically at contemporary art and storytelling through movement, textile, choreography, and design. Works that they have collaborated with is amongst other; Gift of Stone (2019), Passing through Landscapes (2019), Arctic Summer (2021) Den Samiske Halvtimen (2021) and Cazevulosniedia- The Underwater Girl (2021). They have also attended artistic residency together at Vadsø Gjestetatelier (2019), Fossekleiva Art and Culture centre (2019), Stiftelsen Lásságammi (2020). Salo Myrseth and Skår Lisa has previously held a performance lecture at PAO Festival (2019) and a lecture presentation for master students in choreography at Kilpisjarvi Bio arts research centre (2019).