Marianne Solberg

In residence: June - July 2022

Marianne Solberg (b.1968) is a non-fiction writer, freelance journalist and independent researcher. She currently writes for Ny Tid / Modern Times Review (a quarterly Norwegian International non-fiction book review) and is working on two books about the Norwegian philosopher and writer Ludvig Holberg (1683-1754) and his treatment of natural law. Other projects include a research study of censored theatre as an area of critical and political thinking in the royal absolutism of Denmark at the 18th century, the century before the independent act in 1814.

Solberg's background is in performing arts (1992-1998). She studied at Skrivekunstakademiet (the Writer's Academy in Bergen), the University of Bergen, the University of Southeast Norway, and at the University of Gothenburg, Sweden. She worked in theatres as a writer and auteur-director. For this work she received the State's 3-year work grant for younger artists (1998-2003) and the City of Bergen Council Grant for young artists (1999).

She lives and works in Telemark, Norway.


Erling Pedersen


Ingrid Wildi Merino