We are pleased to welcome the next resident to Longyearbyen, Nabil Ahmed.
Nabil Ahmed is the founder and co-director of INTERPRT, a research agency that pursues environmental justice through spatial and visual investigations. INTERPRT uses architectural research, remote sensing and publicly available data to produce evidence files for legal cases, advocacy videos and exhibitions.
Artica Svalbard Annual Report 2022
Artica Svalbard are pleased to share the annual report for 2022.
Residents Recommend by Maritea Dæhlin
For this year’s International Women’s day we are pleased to share the Residents Recommend text by Maritea Dæhlin, current artist in residence.
Welcoming the first NFFO resident Åse Kristine Tveit
Åse Kristine Tveit is a trained librarian and literary scholar, and has a PhD in library and information science. She is an associate professor at the Department of Archive, Library and Information Studies at Oslo Metropolitan University, where she teaches and researches children's literature and the sociology of literature.
Solfestuka: Sun Placard Workshop: Photo Gallery
Thank you to everyone that joined us on Saturday 4 March for the Solfestuka Workshop.
Announcing the Norsk faglitterær forfatter- og oversetterforening (NFFO) nominated Residents for 2023
Artica and our new key partner Norsk faglitterær forfatter- og oversetterforening (NFFO) are very pleased to announce the first NFFO nominated residents for 2023
Episode two of the NAARCA Podcast, Testing Grounds is out now
How does the built environment affect our experience of the climate crisis – and vice-versa? In this new episode, Charlotte Hetherington, director of Artica Svalbard, introduces us to Longyearbyen, and to our two contributors: architect Ingvild Sæbu Vatn and anthropologist Alexandra Meyer.
Artica Svalbard and the Queen Sonja Print Award are pleased to announce a new group exhibition, ARTICA in residence at QSPA.
This exhibition brings together works by just some of the past artists, writers and researchers with focus towards the QSPA residents, who have stayed at Artica in Longyearbyen over the last seven years.
Announcing the Office for Contemporary Art Norway (OCA) 2023 nominated Residents
Artica and our key partner Office for Contemporary Art Norway (OCA) are very pleased to announce the OCA nominated residents for 2023: Yamile Calderón, Helene Sommer and Nikhil Vettukattil.
Welcoming Artica’s first resident of 2023: Maritea Dæhlin
Maritea Dæhlin is an interdisciplinary artist who lives and works in Norway and Mexico. She is interested in human behaviours, emotions, rituals and encounters. Her work spans between theatre, video performance, performance art and text. Her art comes off as playful, non-linear and sometimes absurd.
Testing Grounds, the new podcast from NAARCA is out now
As the climate crisis accelerates, how can artists’ residencies be testing grounds for new – and better – ways of living and working? A new, 8-part podcast series brings together artists, researchers and activists from across the Nordic region and Scotland to explore this question.
Announcing the Nordnorsk Kunstmuseum 2023 nominated Residents
Artica and our key partner Nordnorsk Kunstmuseum (NNKM) are very pleased to announce the NNKM nominated residents for 2023.
Artica Listens News
Since 2019, Artica Listens has taken place annually each autumn in Northern Norway. Bringing local and international audiences to in-person and digital events. We have worked with artists, writers, researchers, architects, historians, scientists, policy makers and communities to discuss some of the key issues facing the Arctic and beyond.
New board member appointed for the Artica Svalbard Foundation
The Ministry of Culture and the Fritt Ord Foundation have appointed a new board member for the Artica Svalbard Foundation, Susanne Kaluza, CEO of the House of Literature Foundation in Oslo.
Highlights from 2022
In 2022, we have had the pleasure of welcoming 10 residents: Vibeke Koehler, Augustin Maurs, Susan Schuppli, Marianne Solberg, Erling Pedersen, Lene Therese Teigen, Ingrid Wildi Merino, Inma Herrera, Heehyun Jeong and Taciana Niadbaj.
It has been incredibly educational and exciting to get to know them and their artistic practice.
Announcing NAARCA's new website & podcast series
Announcing NAARCA's new website & podcast series:
NAARCA, the Nordic Alliance of Artists' Residencies on Climate Action, is a three-year project bringing together residencies from six countries to collaborate on research, residencies, commissions, institutional change and education around climate action.
The final Artica Writings essay for 2022 is out now: EMBRACING ENTROPY by Thomas Juel Clemmensen
We are very pleased to share the final Artica Writings 2022 essay EMBRACING ENTROPY by Thomas Juel Clemmensen, Professor, cand.arch. ph.d. at UiT - The Arctic University of Norway, Academy of Arts.
The next Artica Writings essay is out now: Landscaping transition and (geo)politics / Grunnarbeid for omstilling og (geo)politikk by Cecilie Gro Vindal Ødegaard
The next Artica Writings essay is out now: Landscaping transition and politics / Grunnarbeid for omstilling og politikk by Cecilie Gro Vindal Ødegaard, translated by Olivia Lasky.
Announcing New Key Partner for 2023
Artica Svalbard and Norsk faglitterær forfatter- og oversetterforening are pleased to announce a new collaboration beginning in 2023.
Residents Recommend by Heehyun Jeong
This month resident Heehyun Jeong shares a letter and list of recommendations for things to do and listen to when in Longyearbyen.