
Based in Madrid, Spain, Cristina Lucas is an artist interested in mechanisms of power. She analyses principal political and economic structures, dissecting them in order to reveal the contradictions between official history, reality, and collective memory. Her work has been presented in solo exhibitions at Centro de Arte Dos de Mayo, Museo de Arte Carrillo Gil in Mexico; MUDAM Luxemburg; and Tegenboschvanvreden, Amsterdam; as well as in group exhibitions at Manifesta 12, Palermo; the 12th Shanghai Biennale; MACBA, Barcelona; the 28th Bienal de São Paulo; and the 10th Istanbul Biennial.

During her residency Lucas worked on two new works. An interactive public sculpture 'Flags of Svalbard Citizens’ and a new film entitled ‘The People That Is Missing’. Both were premiered in Longyearbyen for the Artica Listens 2019 event.

Click here for more information about the extended programme.


Harald Bøckman


Alena Kazlova