Artica Writings 2023: Food on Svalbard

In 2023, Artica Svalbard embarked on a series of conversations about food sustainability on Svalbard. The challenges of accessing locally grown food in this remote Arctic archipelago are significant—local food sources are sparse and highly seasonal. Yet, food is a critical part of life on Svalbard, intersecting with hunting, foraging, and a supply chain heavily reliant on imports.
This collection features four new essays in Norwegian and English, each presenting distinct perspectives on food sustainability in Svalbard. The essays highlight the complexities of human sustenance in this fragile ecosystem and the balance between environmental responsibility and survival.
This book features the four short essays in Norwegian and English:
Recipes for Disaster by Nikhil Vettukattil, an artist and writer exploring technology and aesthetics. Translated from Norwegian by Lisa Bøen - A reflection on the intersections between food production, aesthetics, and sustainability using insights generated by machine learning neural networks.
Mushrooms in the Ice Desert: A Mycological Culinary Journey to Svalbard by Reidun Braathen and Even W. Hanssen, mycologists with extensive knowledge of Arctic fungi. Translated from Norwegian by Olivia Lasky - An exploration of Svalbard’s mushrooms, their role in local cuisine, and their ability to thrive in the Arctic environment.
The Secret to Getting Fat: A Glimpse into the Foraging Habits of Svalbard Reindeer - by Samantha P. H. Dwinnell, a wildlife biologist focusing on Arctic ecosystems. Translated from English by Karin Olås - A look at how Svalbard’s reindeer sustain themselves through selective grazing habits, allowing them to build fat reserves for survival in the Arctic wilderness.
Why Are We Eating Space Food on Earth? A Performance of Fermentation and Fieldwork by Maggie Coblentz, a researcher combining science and art to investigate food systems. Translated from English by Karin Olås - A meditation on the relationship between food and environment, drawing parallels between fieldwork in Svalbard and the challenges of space exploration.
Due to Svalbard's tax-free status, selling and shipping items from here can be complex, so offering our books for free helps us avoid those issues. While we declare the book as having no commercial value, some countries may still apply customs fees based on local regulations. To order a book, please email us at, and we’ll calculate the shipping cost based on your location.
If you're based in Svalbard, you can purchase a copy for 100 NOK at the Artica Workshop—just drop by!
Designed by City Edition Studio
Typeset in RG Gaueko (titles) and Triptych (text)
Printed by Taylor Brothers Ltd, Bristol, UK, on paper made from 100% reclaimed agricultural waste
Published by Artica Svalbard, Postboks 321, Vei 608–3 9170 Longyearbyen, Svalbard
On the occasion of Artica Writings 2023 (published 2024) All rights reserved.
Photos above by City Edition Studio