Artica Writings 2021: The Oceans

Artica Writings first launched in 2018 as a curated series of disparate texts around a central theme, some relating to the polar regions and their global influence, others looking at climate change, cultural history and personal perspectives.
In 2021 we looked to the ocean for inspiration and the launch of the UN Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development (2021 - 2030). Through poetry, history, science and personal stories, these short essays aim to open up dialogue around our oceans. Offering inspiration, new thinking and ways to look at some of the urgent issues related to ocean health, knowledge and policy.
This book features four short essays in Norwegian and English:
Of the Monstrous Pictures of Whales by Philip Hoare Translated by Eirik Ulltang Birkeland (for Språkverkstaden)
O tell me all about Anna Livia! I want to hear all (FW, I, 8, 196) by Dora Garcia Translated by Einar Blomgren
Less, less, less, less, less: on listening to shells by Holly Corfield Carr Translated by Einar Blomgren
When the Sea Ice Melted Despite the Bitter Cold by Dr Frank Nilsen Translated by Janet Holmén
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Designed by City Edition Studio
Typeset in Pyte Legacy Vulture (titles), Capraia Variable (text)
With thanks to C-A-S-T Foundry, Bolzano, Italy
Printed by Taylor Brothers Ltd, Bristol, UK
This book’s jacket is made from plastic recovered from the Andaman Sea in South East Asia, where fisherman are trained and paid to collect, sort, wash and shred plastic waste which is used to make book cloth.
Published by Artica Svalbard, Postboks 321, Vei 608–3 9170 Longyearbyen, Svalbard. On the occasion of Artica Writings 2021 (published 2022).
All rights reserved.