
Oswaldo Maciá is a Colombian artist based in London, he works primarily with sound and smell. Maciá grew up in Cartagena de Indias where he attended the school of fine arts. He has later studied at Llotja school in Barcelona as well as Guildhall and Goldsmith's College in London. His olfactory-acoustic sculptures have been exhibited all over the world and is held by Tate among other international collections.

In his own words Maciá describes his work like this:

My artworks cannot give any solutions to problems, but they can shape new questions and new problems.

My sculptural compositions are formed from images, objects, sounds and smells. Whether on paper, object, video or image, the works operate as sculptures. Sometimes they are scenarios: they occupy space, pulling and pushing all that surrounds them for their own ends. Sculpture is concerned with the relationships people have to the space and volumes that form the world we experience; in utilising a wider perceptual range my work opens itself to subjectivity over objectivity, experience over knowledge.


During his residency Maciá worked on preperatory work for his ‘A Gift to Svalbard’ project, more information about the project can be found here.


Mette Henriette


Ellen Karin Mæhlum