Philip Hoare contributes to Artica Writings 2021


The first essay for Artica Writings 2021: ‘Of the Monstrous Pictures of Whales’ by best-selling British author, artist, film-maker & curator Philip Hoare is now available to read here.

Inspiration for Artica Writings 2021 is the UN Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development (2021 - 2030). This curated series of texts aims to influence critical thinking around our oceans and the urgent issues related to ocean health, knowledge and policy.

Hoare has written extensively on the ocean and in particular the creatures that live within, his books include ‘Leviathan, or The Whale’ (winner of the 2009 BBC Samuel Johnson Prize for non-fiction), ‘The Sea Inside’ and ‘RisingTideFallingStar’ making him the perfect contributor to this years series.

Further essays will be released throughout the year on a bi-monthly basis.


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