Simon Daniel Tegnander Wenzel

Photo by: Tuva Heger-Bratterud

In residence: August - September 2025

Simon Daniel Tegnander Wenzel (b.1988 - Hamburg) works with performance, scent, moving image, sound, and installation. Driven by curiosity and a desire for learning through tacit knowledge, he looks for traces of past traditions and alternative technologies displaced in the present. Wenzel engages with natural materials and their cultural significance using personal experience as well as fabulation as a point of departure to re-construct narratives that deal with the relation between labour and care. By giving space for playfulness as well as dissociation in his work, he aims to outline strategies for resistance, re-skilling and embodiments of knowledge that can challenge normative structures found in society as seen from a western perspective.

In Svalbard, Wenzel will expand his ongoing exploration of the relationship between scent, landscape, and memory. He plans to research local botany and geology, conducting mappings in areas used for scientific projects as well as natural environments that are vulnerable to human impact and climate change. He aims to connect with researchers and locals to gather field data while balancing his time between writing and working experimentally in the studio.



Malin Arnell and Mar Fjell


Bianca Hisse and Christian Danielewitz