Lino Print Workshop: Christmas Cards
* Now fully booked *
Would you like to make your own printed Christmas cards to send to friends and family? Then join Artica on Saturday 10 December for this lino workshop.

First Friday Coffee Club
Join Artica for the last Coffee Club of the year. There will be gløgg, coffee and festive treats plus the usual opportunity to meet your fellow Longyearbyen peers working in art, literature, photography and design.

First Friday Coffee Club
Join us for our monthly meet-up with your fellow Longyearbyen peers working in art, literature, photography and design. Share your work in progress, research, writing and of course coffee!

FRAMTIDENS FELLESHAGE: kunstinstallasjon (til 31. oktober)
Gjennom lekne grafiske verksteder med lokalsamfunnet og elever fra 3. og 4. klasse ved Longyearbyen skole, har vi dyrket en hage med trykte planter som vi noen ganger lengter etter å se. På verkstedene spurte vi oss selv, hvordan forholder vi oss kollektivt til naturen rundt oss og hvordan tar vi vare på den?

Framtidens felleshage: Grafikkverksted for foreldre og barn!
Bli med på gratis grafikkverksted på Artica Svalbard søndag 9. oktober, hvor vi kaster et lekent blikk på fremtiden til Svalbardnaturen.

First Friday Coffee Club
Looking to meet people working in art, literature, photography and design? Then come along to our monthly meet-up, share your projects, ideas and of course coffee!
Artica Listens 2022: Return to Nature? The Transformation of a Post-Coal Mining Landscape
This public symposium invites leading experts from the Nordics in architecture, ecology, archaeology, history and the arts to discuss the Svea project and related issues.

Longyearbyen literature festival: Book Launch party with Maja Lunde: The Dream of a Tree
We are very pleased to welcome Maja Lunde back to Longyearbyen for the launch of her new book, the last in her climate quartet series.

First Friday Coffee Club
Join us for our monthly meet-up with your fellow Longyearbyen peers working in art, literature, photography and design. Share your projects, ideas and of course coffee!
Artists Talk at Coffee Club
For this month’s Coffee Club Artica’s current resident Inma Herrera will give an informal introduction to a project she has been working on during her stay in Longyearbyen. We hope you can join us for this and thee usual coffee, cake and conversation.
Adults Workshop: 1/1 Printmaking visions on the uniqueness of one's touch
Join Artica Svalbard resident artist Inma Herrera for a workshop exploring different printing techniques. This course is an invitation to get hands-on to understand the flexibility and openness of printmaking as a medium of expression.

First Friday Coffee Club
Looking to meet people working in art, literature, photography and design? Then come along to our monthly meet-up, share your projects, ideas and of course coffee!

First Friday Coffee Club
Summer is here and we are looking forward to welcoming local creatives to this month’s First Friday Coffee Club.

First Friday Coffee Club
Come and say hello to your fellow creatives at this month’s coffee club.

Film Screening: Arctic Archipelago, Susan Schuppli
Join us on Wednesday 20th April at 19:00 for a film screening by current resident Susan Schuppli. Shot during the circumnavigation of Spitsbergen in August 2020 as part of inquiry into sea ice and the geopolitics of the Circumpolar North.

First Friday Coffee Club
Looking to meet people working in art, literature, photography and design? Then come along to our monthly meet-up, share your projects, ideas and of course coffee!

Solfestuka: Sun-Catcher Workshop
As the sun returns to Longyearbyen we’ll be celebrating at Artica by making Sun-Catchers!

First Friday Coffee Club
Join us for our monthly meet-up with your fellow Longyearbyen peers working in art, literature, photography and design. Share your projects, ideas and of course coffee!

Vision Workshop hosted by Vibeke Koehler
Join us for a fun vision workshop where you can share your ideas, dreams, experiences and stories about the future of Longyearbyen during an open conversation.

NB Changed: MØRKE (Verda mi smeltar)
NB – this event has been changed. Replacement is author Sigri Sandberg, who will talk about her book “Darkness”.

A Year Without Trees
Artica Svalbard are pleased to present A Year Without Trees, a new audio walk created by a group of 12 students from the Svalbard Folkehøgskole and artist Floortje Zonneveld.

First Friday Coffee Club
First Friday Coffee Club is back!
Join us for our monthly meet-up with your fellow Longyearbyen peers working in art, literature, photography and design. Share your new projects for 2022, ideas and of course coffee!

Teenagers without Land
We are delighted to invite you to a photography exhibition Teenagers without land which is a collaborative project by social anthropologist, Zdenka Sokolíčková and photographer Dagmara Wojtanowicz.